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“未来之桥”中东欧青年代表抵渝 开启3天交流之行

发稿时间:2024-08-14 13:14:00 来源: 中国青年报客户端

  8月13日,约40名参加2024“未来之桥”中国—中东欧青年研修交流营的中东欧青年从北京出发,来到重庆,开启为期3天的重庆之旅。8月15日,他们将参加在重庆举办的2024世界青年发展论坛数字发展主题论坛。(中青报·中青网记者 白杨 徐丹阳 见习记者 马子倩 实习生 郭庆 李金沛)

  Topic: Three-day ‘Bridge of the Future’ China-Central and Eastern Europe Youth Campus opens in Chongqing

  On 13 August, about 40 young people from Central and Eastern Europe participating in the 2024 ‘Bridge of the Future’ China-Central and Eastern Europe Youth Campus left Beijing and arrived in Chongqing to begin a three-day trip. During the trip, they will attend the Thematic Forum for Digital Development of 2024 World Youth Development Forum on 15 August in Chongqing. (Bai Yang, Xu Danyang, Ma Ziqian, Journalists from China Youth Daily;Intern Guo Qing, Li Jinpei)
