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发稿时间:2024-08-19 11:56:00 来源:中国青年报客户端 中国青年网




  肯特曾在中国工作多年。在肯特眼里,中国青年充满活力又勤奋努力,对技术和变革充满渴望。“中国青年有着光明的未来。”肯特期待有更多中国年轻人参与到推动全球实现可持续发展目标的过程中来。(中青报·中青网见习记者 马子倩 记者 白杨 徐丹阳 实习生 郭庆)

  (Topic) Exclusive Interview with Mary Kent, Skills and Employability Specialist for the International Labour Organization in Asia Pacific: Artificial Intelligence May Become the Equalizer of the Global Economy

  As rapidly iterating digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) continue to create new opportunities, many questions about the growth and development of the younger generation remain unanswered: Will AI add or cut jobs? Is AI an opportunity or a challenge to bridge the digital divide between young people in different countries? How can governments to help young people develop essential learning and digital skills? Will AI talent or AI education become a key driver of cross-border cooperation or part of a competitive landscape?

  On 15 August, Mary Kent, Skills and Employability Specialist for the International Labour Organization in Asia Pacific, was interviewed by China Youth Daily while attending the Thematic Forum for Digital Development of 2024 World Youth Development Forum in Chongqing, and shared her views on the above questions.

  According to a research paper released by the International Labour Organization in August 2023, occupations are more likely to be augmented than automated by AI and AI is likely to create new jobs. Workers will need skills that help them adapt to and optimize the technology. In the interview, Kent cited the findings of this research and also pointed out that the global economy will remain diversified, and different types of jobs will require young talent with different skills. Therefore, AI is likely to become a global economic equalizer, a tool to promote equality, cooperation and communication, and help people participate in global economic activities more conveniently.

  Kent has worked in China for many years. In her eyes, young people in China are hardworking, with fantastic energy and an appetite for technology and change. "The future is bright for Chinese young people." Kent is looking forward to seeing more Chinese young people involved in the process of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Ma Ziqian, Bai Yang and Xu Danyang from China Youth Daily; Intern Guo Qing)

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