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发稿时间:2024-08-12 19:38:00 作者:王璟瑄 李媛媛 来源: 中国青年报客户端

  中国青年报客户端讯(中青报·中青网见习记者 王璟瑄 记者 李媛媛)在8月12日举办的世界青年发展论坛上,与会各国青年共同发布了《关于未来峰会的国际青年倡议》,莫阿兹·阿万作为其中一员,向记者分享了该倡议提出的背景和意义。


  At the World Youth Development Forum on August 12, the youth from different countries jointly released the International Youth Advocacy for the Summit of the Future. As one of the members, Moaaz Awan shared the background and significance of the advocacy.

  Awan said that facing the upcoming Summit of the Future, he hoped that the advocacy would call on the world to accelerate actions to involve young people in efforts to fulfill the SDGs and to make a faster shift to a digital world and a greener future.
